Heading into the third quarter with a lot of excitement about what we have in store. Here are some updates from last week ahead of our AMA tomorrow!
- Waitlist Competition- We are waiting on one final export of user data to cross-reference the data that we pulled last Friday. We are hoping to have this in our possession today, but are waiting on a third party to send it to us. Once we have this information, we will be able to confirm the positions and share the winners of the $35,000 USD waitlist competition.
- Roadmap Update: Released last week, our Q2 update includes the current status of our objectives for Q2 and how they have been impacted by our compliance review. We will be talking more about the compliance audit and how we are planning for the back half of the year in tomorrow’s AMA.
- Community AMA: Register for our monthly AMA here and be sure to submit your questions in the registration form. We will be covering the following topics: Compliance Audit, Security Audit, Token Audit, Tokenized Community Launch, App rollout, Retail Partners, In-App Exchange Functions, and more!
We could not be doing this without you and are so excited to share more with everyone in tomorrow’s AMA. As always, if you have any questions please reach out to support@mobie.io.