TrustSwap Launchpad + MobiePay

MobiePay the next monolith to jump on the TrustSwap Launchpad 🚀

Mobie Network


MobiePay is launching on the TrustSwap Launchpad October 3rd, 2020 at 9PM PST.

Ever since its launch of the $SWAP token, TrustSwap has become a leader in the Decentralized Finance space. With their groundbreaking peer-to-peer escrow, time-release, and smart swap services, TrustSwap has solved an array of issues that many projects in the cryptocurrency space encounter.

On top of this, they’ve built an incredible support platform that provides a growth opportunity to other worthy blockchain projects called the ‘TrustSwap Launchpad’. MobiePay are incredibly excited to announce that we’ll be offering the final allocation of our placement/rounds for our payment ecosystem on the Launchpad this coming month, and here is where you can find all the details of how this will be carried out 🔥

A Slingshot to Growth
For those who aren’t fully aware of what the TrustSwap Launchpad is a launchpad from which ambitious blockchain projects can leverage the incredible tech stack and community Trustswap has built.

For a better overview here’s a great summary of the Launchpad from community member Jason Awaken on Uptrennd.

“The TrustSwap Launchpad is a full-service launchpad for new blockchain projects who want to take advantage of the security and trustlessness that smart contracts can offer. Projects who perform Trusted Coin Offerings (TCO’s) with assistance from the Launchpad will enjoy greater confidence from their communities and authentic public engagement with the vast cryptocurrency network and TrustSwap CEO Jeff Kirdeikis”.

We’re proud to be selected as one of the early projects to utilize the TrustSwap Launchpad, and will be raising $900,000 in total, with a $2,500 allocation per person. This will allow a larger portion of the TrustSwap community to participate in the launch, and provide us with the capital to take MobiePay to the next level.

In terms of tokenomics, the price of MBX will be $0.0016 per token, and participants will have their tokens vested at 10% unlock upon exchange listing, and then 15% monthly thereafter. Our initial market cap at launch will be $500,000, with a fully diluted supply of 7B tokens.

Want to get involved?

Step-by-step guide

  1. On October 3rd, head to, and click “connect to a wallet” in the top right. This wallet should be the one where your DASH score is over 2,000. This website is not live yet. It will go live October 3rd at 9PM PST
  2. Go through the steps, and upload your documents. If you did not make a Stellar account ahead of time, do so at
  3. When it gets to the face scan identity verification, slowly move your head around within the circle, this may take up to thirty seconds.
  4. Once all information is submitted, the system will take up to ten minutes to validate your submission in the order received. You may get errors from uploading the incorrect document or unclear photos. The system is highly sensitive, so please ensure photos are clear and the documents are correct. If you feel you should have gotten through, try another document, based on where you are getting the error. Do not upload PDF’s. Plain images only
  5. Once all forms are submitted, if accepted, you will receive an email with next steps.




Mobie Network

We build mainstream products with blockchain by bridging the gap between technology and the user experience.